Happy Day

Oh happy Day! Today I am sitting in chemotherapy for metastasized cervical cancer. I was first diagnosed with cervical cancer on November 30, 2016. I underwent surgery on January 4, 2017 and was told that I needed radiation to be on the safe side. I was preparing to be mapped and marked for the radiation that was scheduled for January 30th, but didn’t make it to that. I had no idea my whole world would flip upside down on January 29th my husband suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm. He was in the hospital and rehab facility for 3 months if a city 3 hours from our home do I moved there for 3 months and had radiation therapy there. Everything we knew as our normal was gone. My husband had to relearn everything and I had to adjust to being his caregiver. Before all this we had a small embroidery business and traveled to events and did onsite embroidery and vinyl work, we had screen printing equipment for large orders. We loved the travel and interacting with people but all of this was now not possible. We did lots of praying and healing and trying to figure out what direction our lives were supposed to go. We wanted to create an outlet for me to be creative and flexible doing what I love.

One of the first things my husband was able to do when he woke up in the hospital was sing to me, he sang You Are My Sunshine, I cried! We were able to move home in April of 2017 and my husband wanted to do something for me, he decided he would build me a rose garden, I love rose bushes, so with the help of family we created our first rose garden and now we have added another one to our yard. We love to sit on our porch and look out at the sunshine and roses and that is how I came up with the name for this design company. I wanted it to reflect what I love and remind me of what is important. Back to the chemo, I was diagnosed with cancer in both lungs in February of this year 2019. I started chemo in March. I am taking treatment number 10 today. This is a happy day for me for I am sitting here chatting with you and this is a dream being realized. I am working on designs and my website. Wow when I put this all down I can truly see how far I have come and how far we as a family have also come in these last few years.